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Weekly review #69- 7th October

Written by Vincent Lambercy | October 7 2020

We're highlighting drones news this week, with a number of stories supporting the commitment of autonomous drone technology to safety and innovation in the industry.


First up is the news that Everdrone have been awarded a patent to enable drone operations in complex airspace. The recently approved patent relates to a method of comparing camera data in order to automatically validate that the onboard sensors are working correctly, thereby making drone operations safer.


We also see that Airservices Australia have issued an RFI for a integrated surveillance system. An Integrated drone surveillance platform will allow Airservices the ability to maintain safety across Australian airports that service both domestic and international traffic. An integrated capability will enable Airservices to detect, classify, recognise, and identify potential threats to airspace around our aerodromes.


And finally, this week, Eurocae released a draft document for open consultation in collaboration with US standards agency RTCA, and are working jointly to develop standards applicable to Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems. 


We think it's promising to see that drone technology has advanced significantly in the past few years, becoming an integral part in managing safety, aiding disaster relief, delivery, and myriad business and consumer applications around the world. 


ANSP news

  • Stagnation instead of recovery - DFS - DFS, the German air navigation service provider, does not expect air traffic volumes in Germany to stage a quick comeback. According to its latest forecast, volumes will only reach about 45 percent of their pre-pandemic levels by December. A return to the traffic situation of the previous year is not expected until 2025.

  • Air traffic service NATS reveals land sale plans as part of COVID response - Air traffic service provider, NATS is putting acres of land at sites across the country up for sale as part of its response to the COVID-19 crisis. NATS owns a number of sites where traditionally it has stationed multiple radars, radio masts and accommodation, however advances in technology mean many of these sites now stand largely empty and unmanned and can be sold without impacting NATS’ ability to provide a service.

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