Air Traffic Services
Airfield lighting
Airfield Operations
Airport equipment
ATC Towers
ATM systems
Flight Data Processing Systems
Flight Optimisation Solutions
Flight Procedure Design
Ground - Based Navigational Aids
Ground ATC Data Networks
Human factors
KVM switches
Noise mapping
Operational services
Procedure design
Quality management
Remote identification
Remote tower
Safety management
Safety Systems / Risk Assessment

Cyrrus is a leading international consultancy providing a range of specialist aviation support services to help Airports, Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs), Regulators and Developers manage and overcome the varied, and often complex, technical requirements associated with the managing of an airport and airspace or delivering development projects on or adjacent to Airports.
With a strong reputation in the Industry for outstanding technical capabilities, our international services are cost effective and have been optimized over time to address real airport and airspace issues. We take the time to listen to the client’s needs, understand the challenges and provide clear advice and guidance to maximi\e project success and Return on Investment (ROI) for the client. Cyrrus has the experience, the people, and the knowledge to help you successfully deliver your next project.
As a leading international consultancy to the Aviation Industry, Cyrrus has grown its reputation by providing relevant advice, reliable service delivery and a determination to ensure success no matter how large or small the project. We are also proud to tell you that we own patents for product solutions designed specifically to solve key issues in the Industry – demonstrating not just outstanding technical capabilities, but a strong commitment to solving real Industry problems. We are known for providing honest and reliable advice that supports our clients with the challenges they face. When the way forward looks too difficult to contemplate, Cyrrus is often the organisation called upon to solve the challenges.
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If you believe any of the information here is false or inaccurate. Please contact us here or using the form and we’ll amend the information accordingly.