Modeling and Simulation
Safety management
Safety Systems / Risk Assessment
Safety Line

Safety Line is a French company based in Paris offering innovative solutions for the safety and efficiency of aviation operations. The combination of a solid expertise in aviation associated with patented research in data science applications allows us to offer uniquely innovative and practical solutions, with a focus on better managing risks and reducing fuel and CO2 emissions.
Based on its founding pillars which are artificial intelligence, data processing and expertise in aviation, Safety Line is in a position to propose an extensive range of products able to match the world’s issues and challenges in air transport.
Leveraging radar data for greener and more efficient airport operation with AirsideWatch
AirsideWatch is an advanced digital solution that processes ground radar data to unleash unprecedented airside analytics to improve aircraft ground traffic safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.The ground radars installed at major airports usually serve the purpose of monitoring live ground traffic of aircraft and airside vehicles for safety purposes. Radar data is then usually stored with a possibility to ‘replay’ past activity in a similar manner as rewinding a video player. AirsideWatch is then using those data in combination with machine learning and enhanced data analytics to provide insights and decision-making support to airport operations through the provision of key metrics and alerts interface.
By breaking down ground radar data into searchable aircraft trajectories, AirsideWatch unleashes powerful airport operations and safety analytics, allowing all types of searches on a variety of criteria such as multiple points of passage, airline, aircraft type, date and time, type of trajectory and trajectory phase, and visibility and lighting conditions.
Furthermore, trajectories are broken down into specific phases, from parking and pushback to alignment and take-off, or from landing and runway exit to gate, with the possibility to identify the time and distance covered between any two phases. This allows for additional analytics such as taxi time and distance, time at gate, or time at de-icing bays.
Finally, it help airports monitor much more precisely than ever their noise and emissions impact by feeding noise and emissions simulation models with extremely precise inputs from actual aircraft trajectories, including speeds, turns and accelerations.
Proactively support your risk strategy to maximize safety benefits with SafetyCube
SafetyCube is the only integrated Safety and Compliance Management solution dedicated to aviation that leverage your data to provides a practical answer to the latest Risk Management requirements. Based on statistical research and a dynamic BowTie risk analysis tool, SafetyCube uses data not only for identifying, assessing and monitoring risks but also for better develop a risk management strategy fit to ATM operational context.
By combining both risk and compliance monitoring, SafetyCube supports all your safety processes to capture your operational performance data. It allows to Systematically address risks to continuously improve your safety strategy and helps to Implement, maintain and continually review the effectiveness of the compliance monitoring program. This is the reason why Safety Cube has become the only integrated aviation risk and compliance management SAS solution that provides the most practical answer to the latest risk management requirements.
Offering Airlines to reduce fuel and CO2 with OptiFlight
OptiFlight is the only predictive in-flight guidance solutions allowing airlines to optimize all flight phases including climb thanks to Machine Learning perfomance models for each tail, accurate 4D weather forecasts, and customized recommendations issued to pilots for each flight. Thanks to Machine Learning performance models obtained from historical flight data for each tail, OptiFlight processes flight plan information together with accurate 4D weather forecasts to predict fuel burn in tens of thousands of scenarios for each flight phase. It can then recommend the most efficient scenarios to the pilots through additional information in their briefing package, whether paper or electronic via pilot App.
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