Airfield lighting
ATM systems
Flight Data Processing Systems
Meteorological data
Modeling and Simulation
Tern Systems

Tern Systems specializes in the development of systems for Air Traffic Management (ATM). The company offers three main product suites: Polaris ATM, Aries Tower and Orion Simulator.
Polaris is a modular ATM solution, scalable from a single Air Situation Display to a full-featured Tower, Approach, and Area Control system.
Aries Tower combines Aries Weather, a web based meteorological system which runs on standard commercial hardware already present in aerodromes, and Aries Lighting, a modern and ergonomic system for monitoring and controlling aerodrome lighting remotely.
Orion simulator is a highly-realistic training environment for air traffic controllers.
Tern has been delivering solutions for Air Traffic Management for over 20 years and is a subsidiary of Isavia ANS, the Icelandic Air Navigation Service Provider.
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