Our article "Air Traffic Control in Home-Office" started as a Sunday morning coffee idea, triggered by a comment on remote towers on Linkedin. It now has more than 5,500 views and counting. We've got a lot of feedback and will publish an updated version soon. Spoiler alert: while this is likely possible at a technical level, many obstacles are coming from the human factors side and from how ATCOs traffic together as a team - making it unlikely that home-office ATC will turn into reality soon. What is your take on this? Reply to this email and join the conversation.
ANSP news
- Airways New Zealand welcomes $70m support from Government - This will ensure the stability of New Zealand’s air traffic management services through the COVID-19 pandemic.
- LVNL continues to ensure reliable and safe handing of air traffic - Information by LVNL during the Corona virus crisis.
- ENAIRE's chairman commits to continue promoting civil-military coordination - Progress is being made on the path of mutual collaboration and yielding very good results in terms of efficient airspace management.
- FAA closes air traffic facilities in New York, Indianapolis for corona virus cleaning - John F. Kennedy Airport in New York and parts of the Indianapolis Air Route Traffic Control Center has temporarily closed for cleaning after workers tested positive for the coronavirus.
- Irish Aviation Authority page on COVID-19
- Doris Barnert proposed as a new member skyguide's board of directors - The skyguide Board of Directors is proposing Doris Barnert, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of Corporate Services at Swissgrid, to the annual general meeting as a new member of the Board.
- LFV acquires the Eltel Swedish Aviation & Security business area - Swedish ANSP LFV has made the assessment that the business should be conducted under LFV management. The acquisition will enable a continued delivery of services to the customers of Aviation & Security.
Airports news
Market news
- SITTI VCS in Indonesia - Voice Communication Systems (VCS) by SITTI represent the best choice for military and civil organisations worldwide, thanks to the unparalleled reliability, expandability and resilience.
Context information
- Airlines push to delay ATC fees - European airlines want to delay payments to EUROCONTROL. ATC fees for February 2020 are due to be paid by April 13.
- to70 on airports business continuity - Article on guidance on contingency plans for airports, with references to official material and examples.
- Five data sources to understand COVID-19 impact on aviation
- ACI blog on airport slots rules - Airport slots have received a lot of media attention recently, debating the most appropriate answer to prevent airlines from being forced to operate “ghost flights”. The question is an important one for both economic and environmental reasons.
- Innov’ATM selected for pre-operational UTM tests in Paris - The French ANSP DSNA selected various suppliers for pre-operational tests. Innov'ATM has been selected for the Paris area.
- Skyguide Unveils Digital and Automated Authorization System for UAS and Particular Flights -As drone flights improve in quantity and complexity, airspace authorities face a backlog in coordinating and processing all particular flights requests, which might take over a week to finish.
- INVOLI and Altitude Angel form a data partnership - A strategic partnership which will give ANSPs, operators, pilots and drone-centric risk management applications, an unrivalled picture of airspace. The partnership will help define the requirements for UTM both now and in the future.
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