Weekly review #41 - March 25th

Picture of Vincent Lambercy
Posted by Vincent Lambercy

Our article "Air Traffic Control in Home-Office" started as a Sunday morning coffee idea, triggered by a comment on remote towers on Linkedin. It now has more than 5,500 views and counting. We've got a lot of feedback and will publish an updated version soon. Spoiler alert: while this is likely possible at a technical level, many obstacles are coming from the human factors side and from how ATCOs traffic together as a team - making it unlikely that home-office ATC will turn into reality soon. What is your take on this? Reply to this email and join the conversation. 

ANSP news

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Market news

  • SITTI VCS in Indonesia - Voice Communication Systems (VCS) by SITTI represent the best choice for military and civil organisations worldwide, thanks to the unparalleled reliability, expandability and resilience. 

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