Weekly review #91 - 24th March

Picture of Vincent Lambercy
Posted by Vincent Lambercy

While the sharp decline in air traffic numbers from 2020 remains an issue and a top priority, the COVID pandemic has provided an opportunity for more localised development projects to take place across the industry. 


Take Croatia this week, for example. ANSPs have redirected the controllers’ efforts from their usual operational tasks to more local training system development projects. Croatia Control’s (CCL) Management presented a new Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) Training System and a Tower (TWR) simulator in Split. The TWR simulator will be used for ATCO training purposes, and its software was developed by the Split-based controllers, enriched with 80 training exercises developed by air traffic controllers-instructors from all over the country. 


This looks like an exciting moment for Croatian aviation and having independent ATCO training is a great example of what they're capable of. Not to mention that it all works towards enabling the recovery from the pandemic in due course. 


We also saw The Agency for Aerial Navigation Safety in Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) announce their continued commitment to the Single African Sky initiative through the installation of a third Aireon Service Delivery Point (SDP) in their Dakar, Senegal operations center. With the upcoming African ADS-B mandate, this technology will facilitate a more dynamic, safe and efficient airspace and allow these multiple FIRs to operate as one, harmonious airspace, furthering the objectives Single African Sky initiative. 


During the pandemic, ASECNA has made the investment and taken the opportunity to enhance their technology and operations to position their airspace as one of the most advanced and efficient in the world. We'll be watching the development with interest and hope to see more of this replicated across the globe.


What new initiatives has impressed you during this unprecedented time? We'd love to hear about them! 

ANSP news

Airports news

  • Guadalajara International Airport Upgrade, Mexico - Guadalajara International Airport in Guadalajara, Mexico, is undergoing a major upgrade to become the country's best airport. The upgrade will add a new terminal building and an additional runway.

Market news

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