Weekly review #28 - 6th of December 2019

Picture of Vincent Lambercy
Posted by Vincent Lambercy

This week was under the sign of innovation and of drones. The 9th SESAR Innovation Days took place in Athens. Besides the demos and conferences, this edition had a hackaton organised by EUROCONTROL, EASA, IATA, SITA, ACI EUROPE and the SESAR Joint Undertaking. Coders worked for 48 hours on three topics: passenger experience, environment and safety.

The drone community had a major event: the Amsterdam Drone Week. You will find links to selected information in the UAV and UTM section below.

Today is also a big day for EUROCONTROL, where the iNM project will be presented to the industry and we will report about it soon.

ANSP news

Airports news

Context information

Market news

Reports and data

  • Dashboard for EUROCONTROL billing data - This new website by EUROCONTROL presents data from the billing office in interactive way. This is a great tool to visualise and understand traffic evolution in Europe.

Research and Innovation


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